1.This paper mainly discusses the sensitometry and chemical analysis routine work in motion picture film processing.
2.The article focuses on quantity analysis, discussion of using constant quantity instrument to do semimicro chemical analysis experiment.
3.The failure of a gear shaft was analyzed by SEM analysis, macrograph, metallographical examination, mechanical test, chemical analysis and etc.
4.This bead fusion method is a perfect sampling method for ICP, AA, as well as for indissolvable samples in wet chemical analysis.
5.The calculation of carbon content of unconsumed pulverized coal in the dust under different PCI rate was carried out based on microscopic and chemical analysis results.
6.Research on the failure reasons of the cooling tube were carried out by means of macroexamination, thickness measurement, X ray diffraction, optical microscopy and chemical analysis.
7.Analyzed amino acid composition and content of the seedcake of Celastrus angulatua , compared with 2 species from the same family and corn by fuzzy discernment method and chemical analysis method.